1월 9일 맥어보이가 'The Ruling Class' 홍보차 노튼쇼에 출연함. 녹화는 아직인듯?!

노튼쇼에는 다섯번째 출연인데 메릴 스트립과 함께 나온다고. 한국에선 10일 오전 7시 30분 방송 예정!



맥어보이의 삶과 사랑!


2014 헐리웃 최고 수익 배우 top 10


1. Jennifer Lawrence – $1.4 billion

2. Chris Pratt – $1.2 billion

3. Scarlett Johansson – $1.18 billion

4. Mark Wahlberg – $1 billion

5. Chris Evans – $801 million

6. Emma Stone – $764 million

7. Angelina Jolie – $758 million

8. James McAvoy – $747 million

9. Michael Fassbender – $746 million

10. Hugh Jackman – $746 million

왓더 엑데퓨가 이렇게 흥했나 엑데퓨 배우가 넷이나 되는데?!

다른 배우는 둘째치고 맥어보이는 엑스맨 말고 뭐 찍은것도 없는데 엘리노어 릭비빼곤... 대박?!



"My carefree attitude disappeared when my son was born four years ago," he admitted.

"But that's a good thing! I don't want to be as carefree as I used to be. Sometimes it's important that certain things keep you up at night. It's just a shame that you become more cautious and pragmatic with age. I never used to feel restricted by boundaries; anything was possible. And as you get older a fear creeps in that says, life isn't forever."

아들을 사랑하고 아내를 사랑하고 철들었다는 인터뷰

Posted by 험버랑